1960s PSAs

On weekend mornings throughout the 1960s, public service announcements were part of regular programming. We found this gem which is a collection of warnings about protecting livestock during a nuclear attack. It is particularly amusing because of the use of marionette dolls.

For more Cold War era resources check out our:

US History PowerPoints

Classroom History Games

Cold War Comic Books


Every teacher strives to find new ways to pique and keep students’ interest throughout the school year.

We believe that comic books can be one of many resources in this quest.

In this case we are highlighting a few Esquire Comics from the Cold War era.

The imagery can be quite graphic at times, so prescreening is always essential before passing something out.

We have included an assignment that is classroom ready to be used during a Cold War unit.

For more Cold War resources check out our:

US History PowerPoints

World History PowerPoints

Classroom History Games

Historic Film Collection

Historic Film Collection, Part 4

Cold War cartoon on Iron Curtain

The Cold War is rich with symbols that help students truly understand the conflict. This cartoon is no exception.

Published in 1947 in the wake of Soviet involvement in Greece and Turkey, Jay “Ding” Darling captures the feelings of the hopelessness ahead in resolving issues with communist Russia.

We have included questions and answers for your classroom use.

For more Cold War resources check out our PowerPoints:

Classroom history games:

Wing to Wing, 1951

The British government made this film in 1951 to explain the importance of the Royal Air Force (RAF) in defending the west.

Historical footage highlights several of the newer technologies and styles of aircraft.

For more on the Cold War Era check out our PowerPoints:

Classroom History games:

Are you popular? 1947 film

This Coronet film is a typical post WWII-era film which stresses rigid gender roles and conformity. It was intended to be a social training tool for students to learn what makes a person likeable.

It might be fun to show older students in these opening weeks of school as a springboard for discussions: What items would you leave in if you were to produce a modern-day version? Is it appropriate for high school students? What does make a person popular? How are things the same/different from when this film was produced? And so on…

“Peace Little Girl” or “Daisy Girl” commercial, 1964

Perhaps the most controversial presidential campaign commercial ever aired, it is hard to grasp that it was only shown once, yet contributed to Johnson’s landslide victory in 1964.

We have included questions and answers for this commercial.

For more on this era check out our PowerPoints:

Simulation games:

The beginning of the Cold War

This cartoon, drawn by Bruce Russell in 1945, is an excellent example of the symbols and concepts used throughout the Cold War.

What is so interesting about it is that it was drawn in 1945, at the beginning of the decades long conflict.

We have included a copy of the cartoon with questions and answers for your classroom.

For more on this era check out our resources:

US History PowerPoints

World History PowerPoints

Simulation games

J. Edgar Hoover’s Congressional Testimony

J. Edgar Hoover was the head of the FBI from its inception in 1935 through 1972.

Many of those years were dedicated to rooting out communists in America.

In this testimony before Congress in 1947 Hoover outlines the dangers facing the US during the Cold War.

We have included a copy of the testimony as well as questions and answers.

For more on this era check out our PowerPoints:

US History

World History

The Modern Era: 1945-1970

Simulation games:

Kennedy versus Khrushchev: Cold War Political Cartoon

The Cold War was a terrifying time because of the high stakes involved with new weapons and mutually assured destruction.

Tensions peaked in the early 1960s when JFK and Khrushchev took us to the brink of nuclear war, which would have killed billions and ended human civilization as we know it.

We have included a copy of this political cartoon along with questions and answers.

Check out our PowerPoints on this era:

Check out our simulation games on the Cold War:

Stalinist Propaganda Posters

Stalinist Russia provides a great opportunity to revisit propaganda posters (see earlier post on WWI).

Since the media was controlled by the government, negative portrayal of the “Gardener of Great Happiness” will not be found in Soviet propaganda.

This lesson includes 5 propaganda posters from Stalinist Russia along with questions and answers for students.

For more on this era check out our PowerPoints and games:

US History: WW II CausesWW IICold War 1

World History: Europe Between the WarsWorld War II The Modern Era: 1945-1970

US History Simulation Games: Causes of the Cold War parts 1, 2, and 3