World War I Propaganda Poster Assignment


There are some amazing resources online for teaching about propaganda from WWI.

This website contains examples from various nations involved in the war.

All of the posters in this Georgetown exhibit are US posters.

And finally this website contains WWI propaganda postcards.

We have included a simple assignment that we’ve had fun with over the years in our classrooms that asks students to design their own posters using recognizable symbols.

If you are looking for other WWI resources, we have two PowerPoints,  one for US, the other World History.

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. A teacher conversation several months ago resulted in a quick post that includes a list of propaganda poster sites. Some may find it useful.

    I’ll be adding your ideas and sites to my Delicious feed. Thanks for the post!


  2. Thanks this sight really helped me with my history project!

  3. My first visit. Your site looks really exciting for a history teacher like me. Can’t wait to see more!

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